Thursday, 6 November 2008

Relevance of my project at this point in time

The recent American presidency election which saw Barack Obama win to John McCain, has inspired a debate about the existance of the American dream and its current stance in America. This debate has argueably sprung from the colour of the winning candidate. Many people thought America was not ready for a black, or even a female president, in the case of Hillary Clinton earlier on in the running for the democratic vote. However, It is currently thought that Barack Obama "is the American dream" ( This is because becoming president is the epitomy of success to some, and the idea that ablack man has reached this level suggests that the dream is still alive and well. In his speech in November 2007, Obama spoke vastly about the American dream and suggests that there was a breakdown of it saying "we need to reclaim the dream"( and so by looking at the time settings of the films I am analysing, I will try to come to a conclusion about the existance of the American.

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